Hair transplantation in Turkey

Hair transplantation in Turkey is one of the most popular and in-demand procedures worldwide, due to the affordable prices and quality results that Turkey is known for in the field of hair transplantation.

We offer the best price offers for hair transplantation in Istanbul, Turkey, within the finest hair transplantation centers in Istanbul, using the latest hair transplantation techniques to ensure guaranteed results in a short time.

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hair transplantation in istanbul Turkey  

Turkey is one of the leading destinations for hair transplantation around the world, offering high quality services at competitive prices. Turkey attracts thousands of foreign patients annually thanks to its advanced technologies, extensive experience of its doctors, and excellent medical care.

In this article, we will learn about hair transplantation in Turkey, from the techniques used, to the cost of the operation and important advice before and after the treatment.

Hair transplant techniques in Turkey

There are several techniques used in Turkey for hair transplantation, and each technique has specific advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the most popular types of hair transplantation in Turkey:

  1. FUE (Single Unit Extraction) Technique : FUE is one of the most popular and successful techniques in the field of hair transplantation. Individual hair follicles are extracted from the occluded area (the back and sides of the head) and then transplanted into the bald areas. This type of hair transplant is characterized by natural results and scarcity.
  2. DHI technique (Direct Hair Implant) : DHI technique is an evolution of the FUE technique, in which hair follicles are extracted and transplanted directly into the bald areas without the need to make channels. The special DHI pen is used to transplant the follicles accurately and quickly.
  3. FUT (Follicular Unit Transfer Surgery) : The FUT technique involves extracting a strip of skin containing the hair follicles from the inhibitory area, then cutting the strip into individual units containing the hair follicles. These units are then implanted in the bald areas. This technique is characterized by the rapid extraction of a large number of grafts, but it may leave scars in the area of ​​​​the barrier.
  4. Robotic technology (hair transplantation by robot) : This technique uses a medical robot to extract hair follicles and transplant them into bald areas. The robot is characterized by high accuracy in its work, as it can extract a large number of grafts in a short time, and it also has the ability to provide natural results.
  5. Artificial hair transplantation (wigs) : In some cases, hair wigs can be used as an alternative to natural hair transplantation. Wigs are designed to precisely fit the patient’s appearance, and the artificial hair transplantation procedure is quick and easy, without affecting the natural hair.

Advantages of hair transplantation in Turkey

Hair transplantation in Turkey has many advantages, including:

  1. Extensive medical experience : There are many hospitals and clinics specialized in hair transplantation in Turkey, and these facilities have extensive experience in this field.

  2. Advanced technologies : Turkey uses modern and advanced technologies in hair transplantation, which allows for better and more natural results.

  3. Low costs : The cost of hair transplantation in Turkey is low compared to other countries, which makes it an attractive destination for patients looking for quality and economy at the same time.

  4. Excellent medical care : Turkey provides excellent medical care for patients undergoing hair transplant operations, and provides them with all the support and care they need.

  5. Distinguished geographical location : Turkey is located in the heart of Europe and Asia, which makes it an ideal destination for patients who come from all over the world.

  6. Natural results : The techniques used in hair transplantation in Turkey allow for natural and homogeneous results, and make the hair look completely natural.

  7. Comfortable accommodation : The medical centers in Turkey provide comfortable and appropriate accommodation for patients undergoing hair transplant operations, which makes treatment more convenient and easy.

best hair transplant in turkey

There are many distinguished hair transplantation centers in Turkey, including the Istanbul International Aesthetic Center. This center has best turkey hair transplant package, including:

  1. Extensive medical experience : The Istanbul International Aesthetics Center includes a team of doctors with extensive experience in hair transplantation, and the center uses modern and advanced technologies in treatment.

  2. Modern equipment : The Istanbul International Beauty Center has modern and advanced equipment that helps achieve better and more natural results.

  3. Individual attention : Istanbul International Aesthetic Center offers individual attention to each patient, and follows a personal approach to each patient according to his needs and requirements.

  4. Reasonable cost : The services of the Istanbul International Aesthetic Center are distinguished by their reasonable cost, which makes them affordable for patients.

  5. Convenient geographical location : The Istanbul International Aesthetic Center is located in a convenient location for patients, which makes it easily accessible from all over the world.

  6. Excellent medical care : Istanbul International Aesthetics Center provides excellent medical care to patients, making them feel comfortable and reassured during the treatment period.

  7. Comfortable accommodation : Istanbul International Aesthetic Center provides comfortable and convenient accommodation for patients, which makes treatment more comfortable and easy.

hair transplant turkey price

The hair transplant turkey price varies according to several factors, including:

  1. Number of transplanted hairs : The number of transplanted hairs is one of the main factors affecting the cost of hair transplantation, as the increasing number of transplanted hairs increases the cost of treatment.

  2. Transplanted area : The cost of hair transplantation varies according to the region in which hair transplantation takes place, as hair transplantation in larger areas requires higher costs.

  3. Transplantation method : Hair transplantation methods differ, and these methods affect the cost of treatment. The appropriate method is selected for each patient based on their individual needs.

  4. Medical Center : The cost of hair transplantation varies according to the medical center where the treatment takes place, as treatment costs vary between different medical centers.

Generally, the cost of hair transplantation in Turkey ranges between 1,500 and 5,000 USD, and this cost can vary depending on the factors mentioned above.

Hair transplantation in Turkey
Hair transplantation in Turkey

Steps for hair transplantation in Turkey

Steps for hair transplantation in Turkey include the following:

  1. Diagnosis and evaluation : The specialist doctor evaluates the condition of the scalp and the patient’s hair and determines the number of hairs to be transplanted, and the appropriate method of treatment is determined.

  2. Scalp preparation : The scalp is cleaned and prepared for treatment.

  3. Preparing the transplanted hair : The transplanted hair is collected from the donor area or using artificial hair, and it is prepared for transplantation.

  4. Local anesthesia : The treated scalp is numbed with appropriate substances to reduce pain.

  5. Hair transplantation : The prepared hair is transplanted into the damaged part of the scalp using modern medical tools, and this process takes several hours.

  6. Scalp sterilization : The scalp and transplanted hair are sterilized to reduce health risks.

  7. Post-operative care : Special recommendations are given for the care of the scalp and transplanted hair after the operation.

  8. Periodic follow-up : The results of the treatment are evaluated after a period of time, and the condition of the hair and scalp is re-evaluated and the growth of the transplanted hair is monitored periodically.

Tips after a hair transplant in Turkey

Include the following tips after a hair transplant in Turkey:

  1. Reducing physical activities : It is advised to avoid strenuous and difficult physical activities for 7-10 days after the operation.

  2. Avoid smoking and alcohol : It is recommended to avoid smoking and consuming alcohol after the procedure for at least two weeks, as these habits can affect the growth of transplanted hair.

  3. Healthy nutrition : It is recommended to eat foods rich in protein and vitamins to promote the growth of transplanted hair.

  4. Taking the prescribed medications : You must follow the instructions of the attending physician and take the prescribed medications correctly according to the specified dosages.

  5. Shower after the operation : It is recommended to avoid taking a hot shower for 10-14 days after the operation, and you should avoid exposing the scalp to any pressure or itching.

  6. Return to work and social life : It is possible to return to work and social life 3-5 days after the operation, but crowded places and strenuous activities should be avoided for a longer period.

  7. Periodic follow-up : You must adhere to periodic follow-up with the attending physician to assess the growth of transplanted hair and assess the condition of the scalp periodically.

When does hair grow after a hair transplant?

The time of hair growth after a hair transplant in Turkey depends on many factors such as the method used in transplantation, the condition of the scalp, the health of the transplanted hair, as well as the individual growth factors of each person.

However, the transplanted hair can begin to grow 2-4 months after the operation, and gradually increase over a period of 6-12 months. Patients usually get satisfactory results and notice faster hair growth in the second period after the procedure.

It should be noted that hair growth after a hair transplant depends largely on the patient’s commitment to the necessary care for the scalp and hair transplanted after the operation, and following the instructions for hair and scalp care provided by the attending physician.

Taking a shower after a hair transplant in Turkey

After the operation, hot showers should be avoided for 10-14 days. And you should avoid exposing the scalp to any pressure or itching, and be careful not to use any hair products such as shampoos, conditioners, and medicated masks for a period of 10-14 days.

It is recommended to wash the hair gently using warm water and gentle shampoo after the specified period, and avoid using hot water and rubbing the hair vigorously. You should also avoid using any styling tools such as an electric dryer or a hard comb for a period ranging between 2-3 weeks after the operation.

Care should be taken not to expose the scalp to any direct sunlight for a period ranging between 2-3 weeks, and to wear a hat to protect from the sun if it is necessary to go out at that time.